Tuesday, January 15, 2008

on Being One With All That Is

What if there was a way to look at this proposition which allowed for the shift in perspective through redefining one word?

Don’t you know what it means really to love somebody to love without hate, without jealousy, without anger, without wanting to interfere with what he is doing or thinking, without condemning, without comparing – don’t you know what it means? Where there is love is there comparison? When you love someone with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your body, with your entire being, is there comparison? When you totally abandon yourself to that love there is not the other.

Freedom from the Known - 82

interpretation for today:
does the word comparison imply the assignment of random qualitative labels to the entities involved in the process? is is possible to compare without first executing that step in the process? 
if so, does the question then become: is love the state in which there is no subjective qualitative (and is subjective ever not qualitative) labeling of the entities involved?

if that were to be possible would it imply the reduction of the situation to a quantitative observation of self and other in relationship?

and if self and other were to be experienced as they are in reality - as manifest energy

does that not simply lead to the dissolution of the separation of self/other and the existence of one?

the question that arises from this is: ok so how do we experience anything in the normal course of affairs? and the answer points right back to language. the random assignment of labels (primarily qualitative/subjective?)

see something fascinating about brain function and a process called 'pruning' which takes place in the brain during development effectively creating the different brain 'areas' which have been observed as the processors of certain inputs and therefore the creators of different perceptions.

 The meeting of science and humanities - From Molecules to Metaphor a talk given by V.S. Ramachandran

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